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Child's Education
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Parent Involvement

We invite parents to be actively involved in their child’s education. We believe that fostering connections with family and community supports each student’s development and learning.

Southwest Leadership Academy promotes parent involvement in many ways. First, we created a Parent Advisory Council, which is a school advisory board consisting of parents, teachers, and the principal. The Council meets monthly to discuss parent concerns, school initiatives and community needs. In addition, our school encourages family involvement by asking all parents to participate in a school orientation, and providing free-of-charge counseling supports that help parents and their children develop communication skills, self-confidence, and problem-solving skills that foster healthy relationships at home.

Teachers meet with families every quarter to discuss academic performance, classroom behavior, and the student’s long-term goals. Community service and outreach are also important for all students, and Southwest Leadership Academy promotes community engagement. During their senior year, students will develop and organize a community service project and recruit volunteers for implementation of the project. and breakfast program.

Parent Resources

Resources For You

Here you will find links to documents regarding SLA policies. Please click on the link to open the document to read or print.

Education Tax Credit

Arizona Education Tax Credit

Contribute to student programs and activities at Southwest Leadership Academy, and you’ll be paid back with a dollar-for-dollar tax credit. And you’ll help guarantee that our students experience all that high school has to offer.

Extracurricular Activities

High school is more than a classroom education. Students learn, grow and experience success and enhance self-esteem through a myriad of extracurricular activities – athletics, the arts, service clubs or competitive academic clubs, career-related organizations or student-interest clubs and activities. Active students have better grades, stay in school and develop leadership skills, or uncover talents they never knew they had. However, many activities are not fully funded by the school. These programs depend on fees from students, booster clubs and fund raising to pay for student activity fees, costumes, equipment, insurance, competition fees, camps and travel.


Arizona Education Tax Credit

The Arizona Education Tax Credit allows single taxpayers or a head of household a credit of up to $200, and married couples filing jointly, up to $400, if they contribute to eligible extracurricular activities to our schools by April 15 of each year. You’ll receive a dollar-for dollar tax credit on your state income taxes, which means taxpayers will have the amount of the contribution subtracted from the amount of taxes owed. This tax credit is available to all taxpayers, not just those with children in public schools.

This program has benefited thousands of our Southwest Leadership Academy students over the years that might not otherwise have had the financial resources to participate in high school activities.

It’s a win-win. You contribute to public schools and make a real difference in the lives of young people, and the state gives you full credit for your generosity. Guaranteed.

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